Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Brains and the Beast

I have to say out of all the classic Disney Princess movies, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite by far.  This features an intelligent girl who is not afraid to show it. It's so pressured in the commercial society to be beautiful and women being smart is almost a taboo thing. The illusion that women can't be smart and beautiful drowns the media. Girls at a young age are taught that the best quality is beauty but why don't we teach that the best quality is intelligence and thinking out of the box? We are so focused on over sexualizing everything that we forget the real beauty of knowledge. We know the saying "sex sells" but have you ever heard "you can tell the intelligence of someone by what they laugh at."? If media focused on catering towards the intelligence of people what kind of message would that send out to our younger generations?

Another thing I like about Beauty and the Beast is that she's not the one needing to be saved, the beast is. As enticing as the damsel in distress story is, it's a nice twist to see the woman being the hero of the story in such an undertone way. You don't have to be a warrior or save the world to be the hero of a story. Sometimes saving the heart of someone and teaching them what love means, one way or another, is all it takes to be a hero. I feel that this teaches that girls are not the only ones who need saving. We are not all damsels in distress.

As a mother of a boy I can only hope to raise my boy to appreciate a woman's mind as I hope a woman will appreciate his. Just as we don't want our little girls to be looked at like a piece of ass, I don't want my boy to be looked at as a piece of meat. There is so much more to a person besides flesh and bones. You can't see a person's soul, heart or mind in their appearance.

Now I'm still working on seeing that too. My husband and I already pray for Isaac's wife. We don't know her. We don't even know if she is alive. But we know that God has one for him, therefore God knows who she is. I found myself praying one night that she was beautiful, and I had to catch myself. As long as my boy is attracted to her inner person, then he will be attracted to her outer person as well. So my new prayer is that she grows to be intelligent so she challenges Isaac to be better as a person. I pray that she is founded in God so they have a godly relationship that will blossom and touch other people's lives. I pray that she is passionate about God so that if Isaac strays, he just needs to look at his wife's example to know where to go. I pray that she loves to read, so even when reading goes out of trend because of all of the latest technology she is based in classic knowledge and wisdom. I pray that she will "save/rescue" Isaac just as much as he will "save/rescue" her.

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