Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Am Mom, Hear Me Roar

Thrown up all over. Two butt explosions. One clear shot of pee to the wall. All before noon.  Yet I look down at him lying next to me at this very moment and see him gazing at me with eyes of love. A grin stretching corner to corner. Foot in one hand the other in his mouth. Really no matter how many times he might make me want to pull my hair out I melt with happiness. He honestly makes me brain numbingly happy.

What really blows my mind is that I will forever be a mom now. It's permanently a part of my definition. Being a mom changes everything, from how I look at children to how I look at movies or TV or anything. Being a mom is core-shakingly, earth rockingly different from anything else.

Before I gave birth to Isaac I worried I would shy away from the authority of being his mother. That I would be timid to tell people what I am and am not comfortable with when it came to handling my babe. But as soon as he fell into my arms, he was mine to protect and love. When someone steps out of line I'm impulsive to blurt out my disapproval.

"Please don't touch his face"
"Support his head when you lift him"
"Please don't bounce him while you hold him"
"Do not stick your fingers in his mouth!"

I feel like an animal, I quite literally feel the urge to bare my teeth and growl when a stranger touches my baby's face. I want to purr when my boy snuggles into my neck or whenever he settles in to nurse. It really brings a new meaning to "I am woman, hear me roar".

I am forever changed. That sweet smile and heart thrilling squeal, will forever light my head on fire with delight, and will forever make me want to literally light someone's head on fire if they were to hurt him. :)

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