Monday, January 13, 2014

Bigger Than My Body

It's a life style.

Accept your body where it is, in that moment, that day. 

It's not about where you were yesterday and it's not about where you'll be tomorrow. 

Live in the moment; knowing that the only thing guaranteed is now. 

It's not a P90X work out. It's so much more than that. Its more than pounding out 90 days or 60 days or however many days in a short period of time to smash into an overly buff body. Why am I torturing myself, with these exceedingly overwhelming, impossible, workouts that I don't even enjoy! What a waste of time. Some people may enjoy that hard, pounding workout with a TV screen yelling at you. That might pump you up! Sweet! Do that! 

But don't make yoga into that. Don't turn yoga into a competition. Because when you do, you're missing the point. You're missing the beauty; yoga is acceptance. Yoga is presence. Yoga is growth, in mind, body and spirit. And that's what I need. The body will come in time. The body will grow with my practice. Most of all, much much more will grow than just my body.

We as people deserve more than just a good body, just as we deserve recognition for more than just a good body. Body body body body, thats not our life! Because our bodies change, denigrate, evolve, transform...ect. ect. Our bodies are unreliable to be consistent.

The reason I find myself enjoying yoga is because yoga is accepting of that. Yoga moves and changes and evolves parallel to you. My yoga practice isn't dependent on being a certain way, granting freedom and a stress free experience. How the person next to me does their down dog has no effect on my down dog. My practice is uniquely mine. And I love it.

I'm learning to accept my body as it is. If I can't love my body the way it is now then how can I expect to love my body in the future. Like I said I'm learning, I'm no expert. My body is just a bonus. It's not all of me. I'm bigger than my body, I am a spirit, I have a soul, I don't just want a work out for my body, I want a work out for all of me.  

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