Tuesday, January 14, 2014


One of the things I love is when I am sitting on the couch with my little Isaac, noticing out of the corner of my eye, my son admiring me. You know the look; slight grin, eyes lit up with that curve of a smile, just waiting for you to look down.

"Look at me, look at me mom, look at me." they urge you with their whole being. 
The best part? Looking down at him, his grin spreading so wide, I'm slightly worried his face will split in half. He buries his face into whatever part of me is most available, as though he's shy, and peeks back up at me to make sure I'm watching. 

Look at him. He just wants to be seen, noticed, loved. He is changing and growing by the second. I swear sometimes I can see his hair growing right before my eyes. His cheeks are meant to be lightly pinched. His neck and ears and head and belly, meant to be kissed and raspberried. Knowing when I do, he gets the same shrill of excitement as me. 

Whats even more wild, is that I love my son so so so so so so so so so........(to infinity and beyond), much! My heart swells, engorged with love, wondering how anything else could possibly have room in my body. Yet, our God loves him more than I ever can. 

WHAT?!? How is that possible?! I can't even fathom loving him more! Yet God tops us all. Every person in my son's life, who loves him, combined doesn't even touch how much God loves him. And me. And you. And everyone


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