Friday, January 10, 2014


When your child sleeps for hours on end, it's difficult not to join him. Now mind you, mothers whose babies are up every few hours, through the night, by all means sleep with your child! Don't succumb to life as a zombie, with food strapped to your chest.

However, my boy snoozes a good 7-8 hours every night. Sleeping all day is a wee bit excessive. As the new year dawns, I decide to dig deeper into my passions. Why do I undermine them? Because I'm lazy. A million and a half excuses flood my mind as to why, yet honestly, I'm just lazy. Passive. Lethargic. Apathetic. Call it what you will. If I can't designate 10 minutes to sit down, do something up lifting. Do something enjoyable. What am I doing?

Design a routine, Meghann! Add bit by bit as the days roll by. Don't overload your plate, crossing your fingers.

I resolved to make a journal entry a day, the basic goal of, "If I were to go back and read the journal, what would I want to know happened?" Even if it's just a sentence or word.

I journaled the 1st and 2nd.

Deciding to add to this "routine", the 3rd I journaled and opened to a page in the Bible randomly, flipped to the beginning of that book, and read the first chapter for the 3rd and 4th.

5th-6th, journaled, read, and wrote 5 things I'm thankful for in the back of the Bible. You would be surprised what starting your day with a thankful attitude will do.

7th-8th, I add reading a small prayer devotional. Connect deeper into what I believe.

Yesterday, I added blogging to the mix. Today I added yoga.

Over all I am exercising mind, spirit and body.

As the day settles, accomplishment, productivity, inspiration and satisfaction wash over me. Simple joys penetrate every aspect of my life. Satisfaction in my soul, guides me to satisfy my role as a mother, as a wife and as a Christian.

Why waste time being lazy?


  1. You go girl!! I hope you can keep up your routine, it sounds perf!! :) I've been in the same boat lately.... I'm trying to find a job, after slacking for a couple months on it, and so I've had nothing to do outside of cleaning the house, laundry, dishes, etc and feeling like a desperate housewife lol, and if i let it my laziness has been multiplying out of control... o_o my depression has been kicking in and making me way oversleep too, which is no help at all, because I feel like I have nothing to wake up for, and I'm so over it!! I've finally got some interviews lined up, and trying to get more motivated one step at a time. I'm making goals for myself every day-trying to get into a routine again & it's helping me feel better!! You're an inspiration to me with your blogging; I always read them and I'd really love to start blogging myself! Writing has always been my favorite outlet as well. So you're not alone in your quest to beat the beast of lazy, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to!! I hope you and your family are doing great!! :) I wanna see lil Isaac sooo badly, he is SO adorable I can't handle it!! He has the prettiest blue eyes & I love his smile! :) All my love & prayers for you girl <3 xoxoxo

  2. By the way, you are a remarkable writer, I adore your style & voice!! You're always unique, relatable, poetic, & your words flow very well together while reading!! :) Don't ever feel like you're not amazing at everything you do!!
