Thursday, January 9, 2014

Stepping Out Of My Way

Writing has always been an outlet for me, it's been expression, communication, art, and sometimes a cry for help. I stop myself sometimes, because I am afraid that it's not good enough because it isn't the best. Therefore I shouldn't write. Well lets be frank and call that BS.

One does not need to be the best to simply do something. So I started to write again, sprouting into the idea of blogging I realized the last time I consistently blogged remains in the adolescent years of high school. Of course I stood in my own way: "I don't have a title. I can't start without a title. A title determines what you're writing about, a title determines the tone, the title is a lot!"

As of today I thought of a title, The Not So Typical Mom.

Disclaimers: this blog isn't a "How To" or "This is What You Should...believe, think, do, say, be, ect. ect." This is just me. And my life. And my head. And my family.

I am 20, married to my loving Nathan and mother of sweet little Isaac. Currently living in my in-laws place, on the way to finding our own in this big big City of Denver. This girl is from Vail, town with two major roads (I70 and HWY6), is now swallowed by city life in full swing (when is life not in full swing?) and I have something to write about.

My goal is to be authentic to myself. So my tone might change from post to post, my voice might change post to post. Or it might not. My posts will reflect my sporadic life, head, style and ambitions.


  1. Glad to see you're blogging in your new capacity as wife/mother. I look forward to following you.
